IDS Coding Club

IDS-Coding Club: a friendly coding club for bioinformaticians

Snelle methode voor vergelijken van isolaten binnen hetzelfde species

Snelle methode voor vergelijken van isolaten binnen hetzelfde species

Today it was Amber’s last presentation before she leaves the RIVM. She has been working here for more than 10 years but she will now start a new challenge as a data scientist. She, however, gave a very nice presentation about the methods she has used to compare (fungal) isolates within the same species. She mainly talked about the Split Kmer Analysis (SKA) toolkit for SNP analysis. She also mentioned her experience with iq-Tree for making phylogenetic trees and with iTOL to visualize them.

  • Amber Hendriks

Logo Design for Juno pipelines

Roxanne has been designing some logos for the pipelines that we have developed to analyse bacteriology genomes. She took input from the mythology, from the work we do and from her knowledge in design. She presented her current designs and asked for our input to decide which logo will be used as the official one for the Juno pipeline. We almost unanimously decided on the ‘peacock inspiration’ and that is the one that will be used (with different text per pipeline)

  • Roxanne Wolthuis
Natural Language Processing project

Natural Language Processing project

Roxanne has been designing some logos for the pipelines that we have developed to analyse bacteriology genomes. She took input from the mythology, from the work we do and from her knowledge in design. She presented her current designs and asked for our input to decide which logo will be used as the official one for the Juno pipeline. We almost unanimously decided on the ‘peacock inspiration’ and that is the one that will be used (with different text per pipeline)

  • Varisha Ganesh

Introduction to mGWAS

GWAS Genetische varianten associëren met een fenotypische eigenschap Supervised machine learning task INHOUD Humane/microbiële GWAS Tools Random Forest in R Scoary Scikit learn GWAS van Aspergillus Pyseer HUMANE GWAS Eerste studie gepubliceerd in 2002 1133 patiënten met een hartinfarct 2 controle groepen van in totaal 1878 personen 92,788 gene-based SNP markers Linkage disequilibrium mapping (association mapping)

  • Amber Hendriks
Web Development - Roxanne

Web Development - Roxanne

INTERACTION-DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT STUDY TIMELINE YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 GRADUATIONAFTER - Media design - Web design - Web development - Game design - 3D - Focus on design - Fonts - Spacing - Color schemes - Front end development using HTML5 & CSS - Introduction JavaScript - Back-end development with PHP and WordPress - First internship - Second internship - Start content writing - Graduation project - Web design & development - Content writing - Edit pictures, logos, corporate designs etc.

  • Roxanne Wolthuis
Intro and house rules

Intro and house rules

The idea Once a week for 1 h. Concept: Share article (microbial genomics or related) or a library or something interesting you found that week. Ask a specific question. Explain one algorithm. Practice for a presentation in a conference. Discuss pipeline/software design. Some sessions reserved for CODE REVIEW (see principles and house rules). … No need of presentation or anything formal… unless you want it.

  • Alejandra Hernández Segura